There comes the time to comprehensively use our knowledge and transfer it into everyday life. Some of you are wondering how to do it, while others attend various workshops and techniques that support you in embodying your source codes of the soul and of their potential. Every experience counts.
In the Sound SPA seminars I take you on a journey through your knowledge and findings which are then harmonized with the original knowledge, and you have the opportunity to embody them through the experience gained during seminars and to bring them into your daily life. You can get a certificate – your own soul award for the most embodied life on Earth.
Seminars are carried out in different places, while specific seminars can be attended ONLINE.
Education Find Your Own Sound
The education is meant for You, dear Soul who hears the call and wants to incarnate as much as possible here on Earth, enjoying life to the fullest and choosing your Freedom.
It is intended for all those who want to incarnate themselves and to understand and experience that life on Earth, together with your mission, can have a higher quality and be more interesting, that you are here because of the depth of enjoyment, which this planet can bring you.
For all those who want to enrich their daily lives with joy. You do not need to leave work, change your life partner, but it is important to live yourself in all of this.
In order for you to deeply embody every bit of yourself in such a short time, I offer you a series of exercises that have accompanied me on my way and enabled me to embody Myself. Exercises that you can do every day will prepare you for a new Life.
Training consists of 4 modules, each lasting 16 hours or two days, because it takes several hours to grasp the meaning of it all.
During training, practical exercises in groups, in pairs or individually are carried out.
- CD/mp3 Inntoning
- educational material, with which you can work at home
- soul ‘certificate’
- certificate of edication Sound SPA – Find Your Own Sound
The price of each module is 250 EUR and the price of the entire training is 1,100 EUR.
- modul: Master Self – Presence
- It’s a module that is designed for you to learn to be present in everyday life.
- Learning about chaos and order in chaos
- Observing your thoughts
- Getting to know the place where I am
- Recognizing the field of life beyond everyday life
- Exercises which remind me of this moment
- modul: Master Self – Connecting to the source
- It’s a module that is designed to connect you with your source frequencies.
- Journey into the records of the Soul
- Getting to know who you really are
- Exercises where you remember your gifts
- modul: Master Self – Embodiment
- Module intended to embody your soul’s mission on earth.
- Bring your gifts to the planet Earth
- Support of the physical body
- Changing your energy field and the field around you
- Exercises where you bring you knowledge into the world, and exercises for the physical bod
- modul: Master Self – Enjoying Life
- Module intended to teach you how to enjoy life in every moment
- Trust in your soul path
- Remember that life is but a game
- Creating
- Exercises which you enjoy
- Modul : Master Self – Practitioner
- 4 days, one day for each module, working with people
- Learning to work with people
- Exercises that support you
Individual training for providers of sound baths
It is intended for all those who want to use the instruments for their own needs and the needs of their families, while for those who want something more this is a good starting option
Training lasts 4 x 4 hours.
You gain knowledge on:
– Instruments (gongs, Tibetan vessels and crystalware)
– Playing instruments
– Implementation of sound bath
– Yourself
– Working with people
– Your mission
The price of the training is 440 Euro.
Training consists of theoretical and practical learning and of experiences.
After each session, you will have to perform a specific task until the next session.
What do you get?
- Knowledge
- Material
- CD
- Certificate of completed training
ONLINE SoundME education
Individual learning of vocal techniques that help you to tone up your body with sound.
Every man has within him-/herself the power of his/her vocals, which may further assist him/her in the harmony of his/her bodies.
Using a variety of techniques you can establish the balance of your bodies and assist yourself in the self-healing.
You will learn:
1. What is your vocals and how to use it?
2. Vowels and their power.
3. Consonants and their power.
4. Emotional / mental / spiritual / physical tones.
5. Music of your body.
6. Balance of your body.
Price of the Online education is 390 EUR.
Implemented in 3 parts:
- On the sound and use of your own voice
- Tones of all your bodies (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical)
- Balance with vocals
All of the parts are recorded on video which contains material to help yourself. Each seminar is followed by 1 on 1 consultations
You get:
- Video tutorials
- Materials
- 3 consultations
- Rich experience
- Individual Sound bath at a distance 30min
Čas je ZDAJ.
Zvočni SPA vas vabi, da ga obiščete in se v njem celostno prebudite – zaveste se moči in strasti svojega telesa in duha.