Zvočni SPA/Sound SPA bath
Vibracija Zlatega mesta
Remember… vibrations and feelings in civilizations, where people lived in harmony, love, peace. Remember golden cities, where technology of high consciousness was supporting each of them and was in natural frequency. Where people were shining like a gold. Remember joy, beauty of life.

Najdite si primeren prostor doma/v pisarni/zunaj, kjer lahko nemoteno poslušate zvoke, se uležete in pokrijete z deko. Lahko prižgete svečko in si poleg postavite še kakšen kozarec z vodo. Ko vam pošljem link, se priključite (preko računalnika se lepše sliši) na računalnik ali telefon. Najprej se pogovorimo o vaših namenih, nato pričnemo s kopeljo in ob koncu si delimo doživetja.
Dogodek traja od 90 do 120min.
Find your suitable room at home / office / outside, where you can without interference listen to the sounds. Lie down and cover yourself with a blanket.
You can light a candle and place a glass of water next to you. When I send you the link, connect (via computer it sounds nicer) to your computer or phone. We first talk about your intentions, then we start with a bath and at the end we share experiences. The event lasts from 90 to 120 minutes.
Dobrodošli. /Welcome
KJE/WHERE? online – pošljem link ob prijavi /Link will be sent after registration