20:00 — 21:00
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ZVOČNO POPOTOVANJE onkraj in nazaj
Zvok je vibracija. Ko gre skozi telo, se določene kemične sestave telesa spreminjajo, saj se spreminja njegova vibracija. Bolj kot se prepustimo zvoku, bolj se lahko zavedamo, kaj se dogaja z njim v telesu. Včasih ne zmoremo, zaspimo ali nas preprosto ‘odnese’ nekam. Potrebujemo različne dimenzije, uvide, za naš pretok, samo da smo, v telesu.
Gremo onkraj in potujemo nazaj v telo, kot da bi delali osmice. In to prinašamo v telo. Vedno več, vedno več… dokler naša energija avtomatično prične spreminjati svet okoli nas.
Svet okoli nas se prilagodi tej frekvenci in zaznavamo čudeže.
Da lahko znova zaznate vse čudeže, da preidete na novo polje, vas vabim na zvočno popotovanje/meditacijo onkraj, ki bo v vas uredila lepoto bivanja in skozi vas jo podala tudi navzven.
KDAJ? nedelja, 5.11. ob 20ih (slovenski čas)
KJE? ob prijavi dobite link, bo online, s katerega mesta točno se bom javila, pa boste videli sami… (odvisno od vremena)
KAKO SE PRIJAVITE? Pišete na info@zvocni-spa.si . 
VSTOP? 22Eur, plačate na TRR, ki ga pošljem ob prijavi. 
Se veselim!

SOUND JOURNEY beyond and back

Sound is vibration. As it passes through the body, certain chemical structures of the body change as its vibration changes. The more we surrender to the sound, the more we can be aware of what is happening with it in the body. Sometimes we fall asleep or it simply “takes” us somewhere. We need different dimensions, insights, for our flow, just to be, in the body. We go beyond and travel back into the body as if doing figure eights. And we bring that into the body. More and more, and more… until our energy automatically starts changing the world around us. The world around us adjusts to this frequency and we perceive miracles.

So that you can perceive all the miracles again, to move to a new field, I invite you to a sound journey/meditation beyond, which will arrange the beauty of being in you and pass it through you to the outside as well.


WHEN? Sunday, 5.11. at 8 am (Hawaiian time)
WHERE? when you register, you will receive a link, it will be online, from which exact location I will be contacting you, and you will see for yourself… (depending on the weather)
HOW DO YOU SIGN UP? You write to info@zvocni-spa.si.
ENTRY? 22 Eur, you pay on the TRR, which I send when registering.

You are welcome.

I look forward to see you there!

Prijava na dogodek in na novičke / Event registration

    V primeru, da organizator dogodka ni Zvočni SPA, prijava s tem obrazcem ni potrebna, saj se je potrebno prijaviti na dogodek pri organizatorju (povezavo najdete v vsebini dogodka).


    Pošta in kraj


    Kontaktni telefon

    Naziv in naslov pravne osebe (za izdajo računa)

    Davčna številka

    Z uporabo tega obrazca se strinjate s shranjevanjem in uporabo vaših podatkov preko te spletne strani, kot je zapisano v Pravilniku o vartsvu podatkov.

      In the event that the event organizer is not a Sound SPA, registration with this form is not necessary, as it is necessary to register for the event with the organizer (you can find the link in the content of the event).




      Contact phone

      Name and address of the legal entity (for the issue of an invoice)

      Tax number

      Z uporabo tega obrazca se strinjate s shranjevanjem in uporabo vaših podatkov preko te spletne strani, kot je zapisano v Pravilniku o vartsvu podatkov.


      20:00 - 21:00
      Event Category:
      Event Tags:
      , ,
      zvočni spa

      Prihajajoči dogodki