SEMINAR – OVERTONE SINGING WITH NESTOR KORNBLUM It is a great pleasure for us that the amazing world professional vocal and sound teacher, Nestor Kornblum, comes to Slovenia for us….
Zvok je izjemno močno orodje, s katerim lahko dosežemo izjemne rezultate na fizičnem telesu. S pomočjo prenašanja vibracij gonga, tibetanskih in kristalnih pojočih posod, kristalnih glasbenih vilic lahko dosežemo popolno…
Posebna nota, poseben glas in posebne rastline? Vabljeni na prav poseben BUTIČNI PROGRAM, ki ga v Sloveniji še ni bilo! Holistični center SOULucija in ZVOČNI SPA v sodelovanju s posestvom…
Adams also came to understand how important it was that his carefully crafted photos were reproduced to best effect. At Bender’s invitation, he joined the prestigious Roxburghe Club, an association devoted to fine printing and high standards in book arts.