SEMINAR – OVERTONE SINGING WITH NESTOR KORNBLUM It is a great pleasure for us that the amazing world professional vocal and sound teacher, Nestor Kornblum, comes to Slovenia for us. This year I met him for the first time in Croatia in the Harmony program in Pašman, and I was astonished by his energy and dedication to singing. In the workshop, we learned to sing overtones and using voice to heal others and ourselves. A wonderful work which reminds us that everything is already within us, that everyone with sound can help themselves, and that voice is the most powerful tool that can be used to harmonize everything that exists. In addition, overtones come from natural sacred geometry and they bring perfect harmony to the world. Sacred geometry is also mathematics. Nestor showed mandala sacred geometry that is made with sound on a sand. That happens in our bodies, too. When you feel it in your voice, you know that you are singing that right frequency and you are creating harmony in cells and the physical body in humans. He also showed us how to make a sound session for a person with a voice. Grateful that I was a model, I felt on my own body that voice / vocal was the most powerful healing tool I knew. And, I already know beautiful top quality instruments … Nestor Kornblum is a remarkable teacher who sings what seemed to me utterly impossible. And with that heals … *** I invite you to: An experiential seminar, led by a European leader and teacher of a sound therapy and overtone singing workshop. A brief overview of the theory and science of how sound therapy works with practical demonstrations. Learn Magic vocal overtone singing techniques with a system that Nestor has designed for 23 years. Discover some of its potential uses as a healing tool. Enjoy the peace and unity of group intonation in the sound of our voices in harmony. Experience therapeutic tuning forks specifically tuned to natural harmonic frequencies to restore balance and harmony. Nestor’s clarity, humor and simple style ensure a fun and practical experience. Everyone will be given useful audio tools to practice at home. During the workshop, Nestor will also include a demonstration of overtone singing. Each day will include warm-up and breathing exercises, overtone singing or tuning fork exercises, and voice exercises. Who can attend this course? Anyone interested in sound and music Therapists of any treatment modality who want to incorporate sound into their work. This may include yoga, Tai Chi, massage and body work, dance, craniosacral therapy, and more. The most important aspect of this therapy is that everyone learns to use the tools they already have to experience health, well-being and increased levels of vibration. FRIDAY CONCERT A deeply meditative and healing experience. Nestor sings overtones in Western, Tibetan and Mongolian “deep voice” style accompanied by shruti or monochords. It also plays on various worlds and ancient musical instruments with many overtone tones such as flute, didgeridoo, mouth bow, drommel and Tibetan bowls. Source of overtone singing Overtones singing is an ancient technique that allows a singer to create 2 or more sounds at the same time as his / her voice. Despite the fact that the origin of this technique is somehow unclear or mystical, a lot of information has recently appeared in the research on the current use of this technique, as well as some source information from different parts of the world. Singing overtones as a technique and cultural or spiritual musical form has developed in Mongolia, South Siberia, Central Asia, Tibet and South Africa. There are several theories that this technique had a ritual and spiritual purpose in Kabbalistic ceremonies, mystical schools and Sufi exercises. Some theories say that it has been used for a long time in Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and Mayan Central America. Overtones, also known as harmonic tones, were first seen in the west, discovered by Pythagoras about 2600 years ago. The famous Greek philosopher and mathematician was also a musician and, along with his fellow students, spent many academic years on sound and vibration. As he learned how to play the monochord, a simple one-stringed instrument, he found that all sounds were built from multiple vibrations or frequencies, not just one, as our ears usually perceive. Singing overtones has many therapeutic effects. The most obvious are hypnotic, such as trans, on both the listener and the performer. This effect is a form of deep meditation that relaxes, balances and cleanses the chakras and creates a feeling of lightness and health. The sound of overtones helps to balance the two cerebral hemispheres, as it takes into account both the logical, reasonably left half, given the mathematical precision of the overtones scale, and the creative, right brain half through musical expression (when already skilled in the art). Singing overtones, when practiced with purpose, can serve as a very powerful tool for the vibrational reprogramming of our physical, mental and emotional body with a more natural one that is in harmony with everything. The beauty of this technique is that it goes past the intellectual mind and through the creature without first analyzing it. We will also create with metal tuning forks. WHEN? Fri – Sunday, October 23-25 2020 WHERE? A remarkable land of Veduna retreats, near Velenje Course of the seminar: FRIDAY, October 23 : 16 – 17 arrival for seminar participants 17th – 19th Nestor Kornblum concert and short presentation of the seminar (for participants and outside) 19 – 20 snack and socialize SATURDAY 24.10. 8 – 9 group walk in nature 9-10 Breakfast 10-14 seminar 14 – 15 lunch 15-18 seminar 18 – 20s sauna, massages (extra charge for massage) SUNDAY, 25.10. 8 – 9 group walk in nature 9-10 Breakfast 10-14 seminar 14 – 15 lunch 15-17 seminar 17 – 18 final toast, packing and departure PRICE: 365 Eur The price includes: . all meals (2x breakfast, 2x lunch, 2x dinner) and use of…

SEMINAR – OVERTONE SINGING WITH NESTOR KORNBLUM It is a great pleasure for us that the amazing world professional vocal and sound teacher, Nestor Kornblum, comes to Slovenia for us. This year I met him for the first time in Croatia in the Harmony program in Pašman, and I was astonished by his energy and dedication to singing. In the workshop, we learned to sing overtones and using voice to heal others and ourselves. A wonderful work which reminds us that everything is already within us, that everyone with sound can help themselves, and that voice is the most powerful tool that can be used to harmonize everything that exists. In addition, overtones come from natural sacred geometry and they bring perfect harmony to the world. Sacred geometry is also mathematics. Nestor showed mandala sacred geometry that is made with sound on a sand. That happens in our bodies, too. When you feel it in your voice, you know that you are singing that right frequency and you are creating harmony in cells and the physical body in humans. He also showed us how to make a sound session for a person with a voice. Grateful that I was a model, I felt on my own body that voice / vocal was the most powerful healing tool I knew. And, I already know beautiful top quality instruments … Nestor Kornblum is a remarkable teacher who sings what seemed to me utterly impossible. And with that heals … *** I invite you to: An experiential seminar, led by a European leader and teacher of a sound therapy and overtone singing workshop. A brief overview of the theory and science of how sound therapy works with practical demonstrations. Learn Magic vocal overtone singing techniques with a system that Nestor has designed for 23 years. Discover some of its potential uses as a healing tool. Enjoy the peace and unity of group intonation in the sound of our voices in harmony. Experience therapeutic tuning forks specifically tuned to natural harmonic frequencies to restore balance and harmony. Nestor’s clarity, humor and simple style ensure a fun and practical experience. Everyone will be given useful audio tools to practice at home. During the workshop, Nestor will also include a demonstration of overtone singing. Each day will include warm-up and breathing exercises, overtone singing or tuning fork exercises, and voice exercises. Who can attend this course? Anyone interested in sound and music Therapists of any treatment modality who want to incorporate sound into their work. This may include yoga, Tai Chi, massage and body work, dance, craniosacral therapy, and more. The most important aspect of this therapy is that everyone learns to use the tools they already have to experience health, well-being and increased levels of vibration. FRIDAY CONCERT A deeply meditative and healing experience. Nestor sings overtones in Western, Tibetan and Mongolian “deep voice” style accompanied by shruti or monochords. It also plays on various worlds and ancient musical instruments with many overtone tones such as flute, didgeridoo, mouth bow, drommel and Tibetan bowls. Source of overtone singing Overtones singing is an ancient technique that allows a singer to create 2 or more sounds at the same time as his / her voice. Despite the fact that the origin of this technique is somehow unclear or mystical, a lot of information has recently appeared in the research on the current use of this technique, as well as some source information from different parts of the world. Singing overtones as a technique and cultural or spiritual musical form has developed in Mongolia, South Siberia, Central Asia, Tibet and South Africa. There are several theories that this technique had a ritual and spiritual purpose in Kabbalistic ceremonies, mystical schools and Sufi exercises. Some theories say that it has been used for a long time in Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and Mayan Central America. Overtones, also known as harmonic tones, were first seen in the west, discovered by Pythagoras about 2600 years ago. The famous Greek philosopher and mathematician was also a musician and, along with his fellow students, spent many academic years on sound and vibration. As he learned how to play the monochord, a simple one-stringed instrument, he found that all sounds were built from multiple vibrations or frequencies, not just one, as our ears usually perceive. Singing overtones has many therapeutic effects. The most obvious are hypnotic, such as trans, on both the listener and the performer. This effect is a form of deep meditation that relaxes, balances and cleanses the chakras and creates a feeling of lightness and health. The sound of overtones helps to balance the two cerebral hemispheres, as it takes into account both the logical, reasonably left half, given the mathematical precision of the overtones scale, and the creative, right brain half through musical expression (when already skilled in the art). Singing overtones, when practiced with purpose, can serve as a very powerful tool for the vibrational reprogramming of our physical, mental and emotional body with a more natural one that is in harmony with everything. The beauty of this technique is that it goes past the intellectual mind and through the creature without first analyzing it. We will also create with metal tuning forks. WHEN? Fri – Sunday, October 23 – 25 2020 WHERE? A remarkable land of Veduna retreats, near Velenje Course of the seminar: FRIDAY, October 23 : 16 – 17 arrival for seminar participants 17th – 19th Nestor Kornblum concert and short presentation of the seminar (for participants and outside) 19 – 20 snack and socialize SATURDAY 24.10. 8 – 9 group walk in nature 9-10 Breakfast 10-14 seminar 14 – 15 lunch 15-18 seminar 18 – 20s sauna, massages (extra charge for massage) SUNDAY, 25.10. 8 – 9 group walk in nature 9-10 Breakfast 10-14 seminar 14 – 15 lunch 15-17 seminar 17 – 18 final toast, packing and departure PRICE: 365 Eur The price includes: . all meals (2x breakfast, 2x lunch, 2x dinner) and…

SEMINAR PETJA ALIKVOTNIH TONOV (NADTONOV)/ OVERTONE SINGING WORKSHOP z Nestor Kornblum V veliko veselje mi je, da prihaja k nam v Slovenijo izjemni učitelj petja nadtonov, Nestor Kornblum. Letos sem ga prvič spoznala na Hrvaškem v Harmony programu na Pašmanu, prav pritegnila me je njegova energija in predanost k petju. Na delavnici smo se učili petja nadtonov in uporabe glasu za zdravljenje sebe in drugih. Čudovito delo, ki nas opozarja na to, da je vse že v nas, da si lahko vsak z zvokom pomaga sam in da je glas najmočnejše orodje, ki ga lahko uporabimo za harmonijo vsega, kar obstaja. Namreč petje nadtonov je vzeto iz naravne svete geometrije in prinaša v svet popolno harmonijo. Sveta geometrija je tudi matematika. Nestor nam je zelo dobro prikazal, kako se s pomočjo razdelitve dolžine premice, torej ko razdelimo frekvenco, premakne pesek v popolnoma drugo obliko in mandalo. Samo zaradi druge frekvence zvoka, ki pri tem nastane. In ta frekvenca je čista, saj gre za sveto geometrijo. Ko začutiš to v glasu, veš, da poješ takšno pravo frekvenco in pri ljudeh vzpostavljaš harmonijo celic in fizičnega telesa. Pokazal nam je tudi, kako z glasom narediti zvočno seanso za človeka. Hvaležna, da sem bila lahko model, sem na lastnem telesu začutila, da je glas/vokal najmočnejše zvočne orodje, kar jih poznam. In poznam čudovite vrhunske instrumente… Nestor Kornblum je izjemen učitelj, ki prepeva tisto, kar se je meni do sedaj zdelo popolnoma nemogoče. In s tem zdravi… *** Vabim vas na: Izkustveni seminar, vodi evropski voditelj in učitelj delavnice zdravljenja z zvokom in alikvotnega petja. Kratek pregled teorije in znanosti o delovanju zdravljenja z zvokom s praktičnimi demonstracijami. Naučite se Magičnih vokalnih tehnik alikvotnega petja s sistemom, ki ga je Nestor oblikoval v 23 letih. Odkrijte nekaj njegovih potencialnih uporab kot orodja za zdravljenje. Uživajte v miru in enotnosti skupinske intonacije v zvenenju najinih glasov v harmoniji. Izkusite terapevtske glasbene vilice, posebej uglašene na naravne harmonične frekvence, da ponovno vzpostavite ravnovesje in harmonijo. Nestorjeva jasnost, humor in preprost slog zagotavljajo zabavno in praktično izkušnjo. Vsakdo bo dobil koristna zvočna orodja, da bo lahko vadil doma. Med delavnico bo Nestor vključil tudi demonstracijo alikvotnega petja. Vsak dan bo vključeval vaje za ogrevanje in dihanje, vaje alikvotnega petja ali glasbene vilice in vaje z glasom. Kdo lahko obiskuje ta tečaj? Vsak, ki ga zanima zvok in glasba Terapevti katerih koli načinov zdravljenja, ki želijo zvok vključiti v svoje delo. To lahko vključuje jogo, Tai Chi, masažo in delo s telesom, ples, kraniosakralno terapijo in drugo. Najpomembnejši vidik te terapije je, da se vsak nauči uporabljati orodja, ki jih že ima, da izkusi zdravje, dobro počutje in povečano stopnjo vibracij. PETKOV KONCERT Globoko meditativna in zdravilna izkušnja. Nestor poje alikvotne tone v zahodnem, tibetanskem in mongolskem stilu “globokega glasu” ob spremljavi shrutija ali monokorde. Prav tako igra na različna sveta in starodavna glasbila z veliko alikvotnimi toni, kot so flavta, didgeridoo, mouthbow, dromlja in tibetanske sklede. Izvor petja nadtonov (alikvotnih tonov) Petje nadtonov je starodavna tehnika, ki omogoča pevcu, da ustvari 2 ali več zvokov simultano z njenim/njegovim glasom. Ne glede na to, da je izvor te tehnike nekako nejasen oz mističen, se je v raziskovanju v zadnjem času pojavilo ogromno informacij o sedanji uporabi te tehnike in tudi nekaj izvornih informacij le-te iz različnih delov sveta. Petje nadtonov kot tehnika in kulturna ali spiritualna glasbena oblika se je razvila v Mongoliji, Južni Sibiriji, Centralni Aziji, Tibetu ter Južni Afriki. Več teorij obstaja, da je imela ta tehnika ritual in duhovni namen v Kabalističnih ceremonijah, mističnih šolah in Sufijskih vajah. Nekatere teorije govorijo, da je bila uporabljena dolgo tega v Atlantidi, starem Egiptu in Majevski Centralni Ameriki. Nadtoni, poznani tudi kot harmonični toni, so bili najprej videni na zahodu, odkril jih je Pitagora okoli 2600 let nazaj. Slavni grški filozof in matematik je bil tudi glasbenik in skupaj s svojimi štidenti je preživel veliko učnih let o zvoku in vibraciji. Ko se je učil igranja monochorda, enostavni eno strunski instrument, je ugotovil, da so bili vsi zvoki zgrajeni iz več vibracij ali frekvenc, ne le ene, kot naša ušesa navadno zaznajo. Petje nadtonov ima veliko terapevtskih učinkov. Najbolj očitne so hipnotične, kot recimo trans, tako na poslušalca kot izvajalca. Ta efekt je oblika globoke meditacije, ki sprošča stres, uravnoveša in čisti čakre in ustvarja občutek lahkotnosti in zdravja. Zvok nadtonov pomaga uravnovesiti dve možganski hemisferi, saj upošteva tako logično, razumno levo polovico, glede na matematične natančnosti lestvice nadtonov in kreativno, desno možgansko polovico skozi glasbeni izraz (takrat, ko je že izvajalec vešč tehnike). Petje nadtonov, ko je prakticitano z namenom, lahko služi kot zelo močno orodje za vibracijsko preprogramiranje našega fizičnega, mentalnega in čustvenega telesa z bolj naravnim, ki je v harmoniji z vsem, kar je. Lepota te tehnike je, da gre mimo intelektualnega uma in skozi bitje brez, da bi jo najprej analizirali. Ustvarjali bomo tudi z metalnimi vilicami. Potek seminarja: PETEK 18 – 20ih koncert Nestor Kornblum in kratka predstavitev seminarja (za udeležence in izven) SOBOTA in NEDELJA 9 – 18ih delavnica ( vmes 2 uri prosto za kosilo v okolici) CENA: 235 Eur V ceni je všteto: – seminar – koncert za vse, ki se udeležite seminarja – sadje , orescki – prevajanje seminarja je zagotovljeno V ceni ni všteto: – individualne seanse Nestorja CENA ZA KONCERT – IZVEN: 25 Eur Prijave na seminar in koncert za izven na www.zvocni-spa.si/prijava-na-dogodek ali pokličite na 031 568 711. Za zagotovitev rezervacije mesta je potrebno vplačati 150 Eur (ob prijavi pošljem predračun), ostalo plačate do dogodka. Kdaj bo dogodek, bo znano kmalu. Učitelj: Nestor Kornblum Nestor Kornblum (Južna Afrika / Španija) je sodirektor in soustanovitelj Društva za zvočno terapijo in harmonične študije (Association of Sound Therapy & Harmonic Studies) (Španija) in Mednarodnega združenja za zvočno terapijo (I.A.S.T.). Je zvočni terapevt, avtor, moderator in pevec alikvotnih tonov mednarodnega slovesa, danes pa dela in vodi tečaje zdravljenja z zvokom po vsem svetu. Večkrat je nastopil v intervjujih na televiziji, radiu in v tisku, piše tudi članke v…