The portal is a connection between Earth and Heaven. On Earth, there are sacred places, energy points that support us in energetic transmissions of higher consciousness to our planet. These are light portals, lights of the Earth. Through an individual who has awakened his highest source frequency and gives it to a group of people with pure purpose and high frequency, energies that make a major contribution to the transition to the consciousness of One.

The records of our soul and group therapy help this transition.
That’s why they deserve a special category in the service menu.

Sound record of your Soul tones – Your Soul CD

The sounds are channeled by: Tjaša Cepuš
Recorded: Tjaša Cepuš

Sound record that you receive is an energy record of the frequencies by which you can find and hear the power of your soul, your soul purpose and mission. The CD allows you to accept all  you’ve come to live on Earth, and to remember who you really are. You, as a being, you, as a light body.
With every sound that is played on a CD, the part of your consciousness in the body can open up. This could have been slightly closed due to the way of life and other reasons. By listening, your awareness begins to spread, the memory of all that you once knew is spreading. This can give you a new quality of living. Everyday life is no longer a routine, it is no longer everyday, but the magic of your soul inspiration and leadership is blended into it, which you recognize with this music.

The soul CD is created with the help of your permission and your order, so I can look into your energy  and  transmit (with the help of sound)  all the information that you can accept at a given moment and are of the highest good for you. Your music, which I perform with crystal bowls, crystal lyra, flute, drums, rattles, tibetan bowls, gongs and other instruments, is recorded on CD and you can listen to it at any time you feel it, however it is recommended to listen it several times.

When you choose to listen to these sounds, be in peace and by yourself, arrange the space in such a way that you will be most comfortable, give the intention to receive all the vital information that you are ready to hear and implement at the moment, light a candle and receive all the sounds. After some time of listening, your life will begin to change as you will hear more about your internal leadership.

I need some of your information to perform:

Name and surname
Date of birth
The address where I send you the CD

You will receive a CD by post within 1 week of order.

What do you get?
– 60 minutes CD
– Instructions and a channeled message for you

A CD that is not recorded in the recording studio (but the sounds are still good), you receive for 180 Eur.

I wish you happiness and love.

With love.

Individual sound recording

Change at this time is the only constant.
Have you felt several different moods these days? First, you are full of energy, then something has ‘hit’ you (external situation or just energy) and you can’t help yourself…
Because it is important to maintain a high vibration at all times, it is good to solve everyday challenges quickly.
We need to be aware and always maintain our heart connection. This means that it is good to be calm, trusting, loving, when faced with challenges.
At this point, it is maybe easy for some of you to sit down for a TV, eat chocolate… etc… 🙂
Or – from my experiences easier – to calm down and establish a solution.
Sound helps you to calm down quickly, release emotions, balance energy, and release certain stagnant energies that do not serve the possible quality of your life.
When that moment comes and you can’t get to an individual sound bath due to work or not enough time, I OFFER YOU QUICK SOLUTION.
To quickly resolve the situation in which you find yourself and to quickly deepen yourself, based on your described situation, I will record a sound that will support you in resolving it. You can listen to it anytime on your daily scheadule.
The sound is chanelled in order to release your blockages regarding the situation, at the same time the support of love is made for you.
With the help of vocals and instruments, I transfer the energies needed for your ‘recovery’ and when you listen to the recording, these energies can restore harmony in you.
How do you order a cd?
You can sign up here: and describe the situation you find yourself in in the notes. Describe what you need.
I will reply to you within 2 hours, and you will usually receive the recording the same day or a day later, depending on my busyness with services and events.
(If necessary, add ‘URGENT’ next to).
The recording is 20 minutes long.
You can also listen to it multiple times.
Price: 25Eur
Order your recording and resolve the situation quickly and easily.
I wish you to live your dreams all the time, in peace and love.


Opening a light portal with the help of sacred geometry and sound

What is mandala?
Mandala means, according to the Sanskrit word, ‘circle’, which extends around the center and represents the wisdom of life. This sacred geometry consists of four symbols – a cross, a circle, a triangle, and a square. The most important is the circle, which represents the symbol of protection, eternity and Unity. Everything in our nature circles, the circle has no ending. Also, there is an important form of mandala in the nature – flowers, seashells, sea star, snowflakes, planets, cross-section of fruits and trees are examples. ‘Every smallest particle of matter has its own center, and a mandala denotes space, from infinitely small to infinitely large, from atom to galaxy.’ (Sensa magazine) The human body is also made according to the principle of mandala.
In any case, mandala is a symbol and has great importance for focusing, submerging our being, bringing love, truth, harmony and peace, and it has always been used for focusing, meditation, personal growth, protection and treatment.

Healing sound mandala

I have already co-created some sound mandalas with experts (Andrea Centazzo, Amma Sophia Rose …), which I am grateful for. Information was also given to me, but in a different way, so I decided to create a different mandala, a healing mandala that will support the mental and physical health of people.
At the same time, this mandala also has the purpose of connecting with the sacred space and opening the light portals of this space in order to achieve a higher consciousness of mankind.

The circles in which the participants will enter the very beginning will be surrounded by instruments and flowers, according to natural elements. Anyone who comes, receives a special welcome drink, then settles comfortable and try to find peace. Those who will want to play together with me, can do it, others can rest, lay down and be in peace.
We will create the starting and the ending together.

Mandala is intended for the treatment of all our deepest wounds and physical pains, subduing to our original frequencies (who we actually are) and establishing the joy of life.

Mandala is performed for at least 10 people.

The price per person is 33 Eur.

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