
Zvočni zapis, ki je pred vami, je energetski zapis frekvenc, s pomočjo katerih  lahko  v vašem telesu postanete bolj prisotni. S poslušanjem zapisa so lahko vaše izvorne kode lahko uslišane in prepoznane s strani vaše duše in telesa na zavedni ali nezavedni ravni. Večkrat ko poslušate CD, več možnosti je, da se frekvence prenesejo v vaše telo, s tem pa se vaše izvorne kode v telesu pričnejo opolnomočati. To pomeni, da postajate vse bolj živi in prisotni, hkrati pa začenjate sprejemati in uživati življenje ter ga dejansko živeti vsak trenutek, kjerkoli in s komerkoli ste. V miru, ljubezni, radosti ter ostalimi čustvi, ki nosijo v sebi živost in moč, kot so ranljivost, kreativnost, pogum in svoboda.!


The soundtrack that is in front of you is an energetic recording of the frequencies which can help you become more present within your body. By listening to the soundtrack you can hear and recognize the Source codes of your body and soul on the conscious and subconscious levels. The more you listen to the CD, the greater are the chances that the frequencies will move into your body. In this way the Source codes of your body will start to empower. This means you are becoming more alive and present, while at the same time you start accepting and enjoying life, living it, indeed, every single moment, wherever you are and whomever you are with. In peace, love, joy and other emotions that carry liveliness and strength within, such as vulnerability, creativity, courage and freedom.



Avtorica vsebine CD-ja: Tjaša Cepuš
Izvajalka: Tjaša Cepuš
Producent: Uroš Zagožen
Posneto v Studio Euromidi Celje

Zvočni zapis, ki je pred vami, je energetski zapis frekvenc, s pomočjo katerih  lahko  v vašem telesu postanete bolj prisotni. S poslušanjem zapisa so lahko vaše izvorne kode lahko uslišane in prepoznane s strani vaše duše in telesa na zavedni ali nezavedni ravni. Večkrat ko poslušate CD, več možnosti je, da se frekvence prenesejo v vaše telo, s tem pa se vaše izvorne kode v telesu pričnejo opolnomočati. To pomeni, da postajate vse bolj živi in prisotni, hkrati pa začenjate sprejemati in uživati življenje ter ga dejansko živeti vsak trenutek, kjerkoli in s komerkoli ste. V miru, ljubezni, radosti ter ostalimi čustvi, ki nosijo v sebi živost in moč, kot so ranljivost, kreativnost, pogum in svoboda.

Zvočni zapis je sestavljen iz devetih pesmi, poslušate ga lahko v celoti ali pa po posameznih pesmih – vi se odločite, kar v danem trenutku najbolj potrebujete. Pojdite v sobo, kjer ste lahko sami in se udobno namestite. Postavite si namen, na katerem področju ali stanju naj vam zvok odpre vaše zaznavanje ter uživajte ob poslušanju. Priporočljivo je poslušanje s slušalkami, saj prinaša še dodatno nianso zvoka.

Karkoli občutite ob poslušanju zvočnega zapisa, po zaključku zapišite na list in opazujte, kaj se vam tekom dneva, večera ali naslednjega dne dogaja v življenju. Tudi ta dogajanja si zapisujte, saj boste lahko z njihovo pomočjo lažje prišli do vaših notranjih spoznanj, ki vas bodo vodila v življenju.
CD je nastal z namenom, da boste lahko čimbolj izpolnili Sebe in Živeli na Zemlji.

Z ljubeznijo,

Tjaša Cepuš




Author of the CD content: Tjaša Cepuš
Performer: Tjaša Cepuš
Producer: Uroš Zagožen
Recorded in the Euromidi Studio
Slovenia 2017

The soundtrack that is in front of you is an energetic recording of the frequencies which can help you become more present within your body. By listening to the soundtrack you can hear and recognize the Source codes of your body and soul on the conscious and subconscious levels. The more you listen to the CD, the greater are the chances that the frequencies will move into your body. In this way the Source codes of your body will start to empower. This means you are becoming more alive and present, while at the same time you start accepting and enjoying life, living it, indeed, every single moment, wherever you are and whomever you are with. In peace, love, joy and other emotions that carry liveliness and strength within, such as vulnerability, creativity, courage and freedom.

The soundtrack consists of nine songs. You can listen to it as a whole or you can listen to individual songs. The choice is yours, depending on what you need most at a given moment. Go into the room where you can be alone and make yourself comfortable. Set yourself a purpose which area or the states you would like the sound to open your perception to and enjoy listening. Using the headset is recommended since this brings additional nuances to the sound.

Write down everything you feel while listening to the soundtrack and observe what is going on in your life during the day, evening or the next day. Also write down these observations since this will result in your inner awareness which will then lead you further in your life.

The CD was created in order to fulfil You as much as possible for the Life on Earth.

With love,

Tjaša Cepuš


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