Zvočni SPA/Sound SPA bath ‘Initiation of Lemuria’
Spomnimo se… vibracij in počutja v nekdanjih civilizacijah, kjer so delovali v harmoniji, ljubezni, miru. Spomnimo se zlatih mest, kjer je bila tehnologija višje zavesti podpora posamezniku in usklajenost z naravo. Kjer so ljudje sijali kot zlato. Tokrat bomo iniciirani v to polje, od koder ni več poti nazaj ;). /
Remember… vibrations and feelings in civilizations, where people lived in harmony, love, peace. Remember golden cities, where technology of high consciousness was supporting each of them and was in natural frequency. Where people were shining like a gold. This time about initiation into Lemuria, there is no way back ;).
Ustvarili bomo polje takšnega sveta. In ga prenesli v vsakdanje življenje. /We will create a field of that kind of world. And we will bring it to our everyday lives.
Kaj je zvok/ What is sound?
Zvok je že od nekdaj močno zdravilno orodje, s katerim so si pomagala že mnoga ljudstva.
Uravnava delovanje obeh možganskih hemisfer. Možgani ob poslušanju zvoka preidejo v frekvenco alfa ali celo theta stanja, stanja globokega miru. Širi se elektromagnetno valovanje naših živčnih celic, ki pričnejo v možganih tkati nove poti, nove mreže in aktivirajo tiste dele, ki so do sedaj spali. Občutek je, kot da bi elektrika prešla v naša telesa. Takrat vstopamo v našo podzavest in se osvobajamo vseh strahov, misli, negativnih vzorcev, prepričanj, čustev, ter energetskih blokad, ki se sicer lahko prenašajo na fizično telo in ga je kasneje zaradi tega potrebno zdraviti. Zvok seže v vsako našo celico, ne poslušamo ga le z ušesi, zato ima moč večje transformacije.
Sound has always been a powerful healing tool, which have helped many people in diffirent civilizations.
It regulates the functioning of both brain hemispheres. As the brain listens to sound, it transitions to the frequency of an alpha or even theta state, a state of deep peace. The electromagnetic waves of our nerve cells begin to weave new pathways, new networks in the nerves and activate those parts that have been asleep so far. It feels as if electricity has passed into our bodies. It is then that we enter our subconscious and get rid of fears, thoughts, negative patterns, beliefs, emotions, and energy blockages that can otherwise be transmitted to the physical body and need to be treated for it later. The sound reaches into each of our cell, we don’t just listen to it with our ears, so it has the power of greater transformation.
Kako poteka Online zvočna kopel?/ How Online Sound bath looks like?
Najdite si primeren prostor doma/v pisarni/zunaj, kjer lahko nemoteno poslušate zvoke, se uležete in pokrijete z deko. Lahko prižgete svečko in si poleg postavite še kakšen kozarec z vodo. Ko vam pošljem link, se priključite (preko računalnika se lepše sliši) na računalnik ali telefon. Najprej se pogovorimo o vaših namenih, nato pričnemo s kopeljo in ob koncu si delimo doživetja.
Dogodek traja od 90 do 120min.
Find your suitable room at home / office / outside, where you can without interference listen to the sounds. Lie down and cover yourself with a blanket.
You can light a candle and place a glass of water next to you. When I send you the link, connect (via computer it sounds nicer) to your computer or phone. We first talk about your intentions, then we start with a bath and at the end we share experiences. The event lasts from 90 to 120 minutes.
Učinki, ki lahko nastopijo po zvočni kopeli/ Possible effects after sound bath
• prenehanje bolečin na fizičnem telesu (glavoboli, bolečine po poškodbah, bolečine v križu, bolečine vratu in ramenskega obroča, hrbtenice…)
• izboljšani notranji procesi fizičnega telesa (boljša cirkulacija telesnih tekočin…)
• notranji mir
• pomladitev telesa
• sprostitev čustev in olajšanje (jeza, žalost, depresija, strah…)
• boljša koncentracija in fokus
• sprostitev svojih misli (postanemo bolj prisotni v tu in zdaj ter opazovalec svojih misli)
• izboljšana komunikacija
• odpiranje intuiciji, senzitivnosti, jasno-vidnosti/-slišnosti/- čutnosti
• globoko doživetje (spoznavanje duše in prepoznavanje svojih potencialov, doživljanje globoke ljubezni in radosti )
Effects that may occur after a sound session:
• release of pain in the physical body (headaches, pain after injuries, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, spine…)
• improved internal processes of the physical body (better circulation of body fluids …)
• body rejuvenation, better immune system
• relaxation of emotions and relief (anger, sadness, depression, fear )
• Better concentration and focus
• relaxation of our thoughts (we become more present in the here and now and an observer of our thoughts)
• opening to intuition, sensitivity, clarity / audibility / sensuality
• deep experience (getting to know the soul and recognizing one’s potentials, experiencing deep love and joy)
Dobrodošli. /Welcome
KDAJ/WHEN? 10.1. at 8pm to 10pm
KJE/WHERE? Link will be sent after registration
Registration ends on 10.1. at 6pm.
Izvajalka/Facilitator: Tjasa Cepus
Prijave/Register – info@zvocni-spa.si
Vstop/ Register fee: 20eur
Vec o vsem/More: www.zvocni-spa.si
Prijava na dogodek