01/01/2021 09:00 — 13/01/2021 21:00

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Prvih 12 dni NOVEGA LETA

Pravijo, da je prvih 12 dni novega leta namenjenih temu, da ustvarjamo celotno leto vnaprej. Kaj ste delali v letu 2020, kdaj ste počivali, kdaj ste ustvarjali?

V prvih dneh novega leta vas bom vsak dan z 12minutnimi posnetki povabila že zjutraj k usmerjanju vaše nove vizije, za vsak mesec posebej. Pa ne le vizije, tudi energije.

Vsak posnetek vas podpre v vašem zavedanju, kako naprej. Ustvarjali bomo po korakih, vsak dan sproti. Ob koncu bomo naredili online srečanje, kjer se bomo pogovorili o vaših zaznavanjih in idejah, ki so se pri tem sprožile. Morda pa boste lahko na srečanju spoznali koga, ki vas bo pri tem podprl, vam pomagal z informacijami ali kako drugače.

Vsak dan ob 9am CET boste prejeli na vaš mejl posnetek, ki ga boste poslušali in se odprli energijam tistega dne, na vaš mejl, ki ga boste zapisali ob registraciji.
13.1. ob 8pm bo enourno srečanje online za vse tiste, ki se boste pridružili. Prejeli boste povezavo ob registraciji.

12 posnetkov za 12 dni in vsak traja 12 minut

Cena: 72Eur (plačilo je možno na 2 obroka)

First 12 days of the New Year

They say in the first 12 days of the New Year we can feel in energies that will create the whole year in advance. What did you do in 2020, when did you rest, when did you work?

In these first days of the New Year, I will invite you every morning with 12-minute recordings to focus and feel your new vision in the morning, for each month separately.

And not just vision, also energy. Each sound recording will support you in your awareness of how to move forward. We will move step by step, on a daily basis. At the end, we will make an online meeting where we will discuss your insights and ideas that came to you in the process. Furthermore, you may be able to meet someone at the meeting who will support you in this, help you with information or otherwise.

12 sound recordings for 12 days and each lasts 12 minutes

You will get your recordings each day at 9am CET on your email that you will send it when register.

Meeting will be on 13th of January at 8pm online, you will get a link.

Price: 72Eur (you can pay in 2 deposits, each 36 Eur)

Prijava na dogodek / Event registration

    In the event that the event organizer is not a Sound SPA, registration with this form is not necessary, as it is necessary to register for the event with the organizer (you can find the link in the content of the event).




    Contact phone

    Name and address of the legal entity (for the issue of an invoice)

    Tax number

    Z uporabo tega obrazca se strinjate s shranjevanjem in uporabo vaših podatkov preko te spletne strani, kot je zapisano v Pravilniku o vartsvu podatkov.


    01/01/2021 @ 09:00
    13/01/2021 @ 21:00
    Kategorije Dogodek:
    , , ,
    Zvočni SPA
    031 568 711
    Organizer Website:
    Poglej Organizator spletno stran

    Prihajajoči dogodki


    Zvočni SPA - SVOBODA

    18:30 — 20:00
    @ Dvoran’ca Žalec
    Preberite več