Vabilo na
predavanje o Sveti ekonomiji oz. Ekonomiji (vs. Hrematizem)
Se še spomite, kako je bilo v časih, ko so si ljudje izmenjevali blago?
In morda tudi storitve? No, vsaj brali smo o tem, da je nekoč bilo tako…
Vsak je lahko ustvaril, kar si je zaželel, to podaril naprej, prejel pa tisto, kar je ustvaril nekdo drug…
Tako enostavno je.
Ko je prišel denar, naj bi to blagovno menjavo poenostavil, vendar se je pojavil hrematizem (pohlep, tekmovanje…) in ideja se je izrodila.
Kaj ko bi ustvarili svet, kakršen je že bil, s takšno podporno menjavo, z ljubečo podporo do sočloveka in podpiranjem njegovih sanj in vizij?
Kaj ko bi našli ta svet in ga ponovno obudili?
Več o tem na predavanju o Sveti ekonomiji, ki bo:
KJE? V OM Yoga centru Celje, Kidričeva 24 (stavba Tehnopolis), 2.nadstropje
KDAJ? 24.9.2018 (ponedeljek) od 19.30 do 20.30
KAJ POTREBUJETE? Dobro voljo, 🙂
Vstop je prost.
Za vas sem pripravila tudi 15 minutno meditacijo s kristalnim zvokom.
Govorili bomo o marsičem, pa tudi o tem, kako se lahko priključite naši skupini
Prijave na 031 568 711 ali na do 23.9. .
Se vas veselim srečati, videti in podpreti!
Z ljubeznijo,
govorila bo Tjaša Cepuš in 100 Abundant Smiles skupina, 🙂
Več o Tjaši na:
Sacred economy IS FOR
🔸 People with big hearts who want to live their dreams and passions
AND want others to live their dreams and passions!
🔸 A way to engage, support, and look at who you want to be and HOW you want to show up in the world
🔸 An opportunity for you to be present to how you are feeling and the consciousness you are embodying
🔸 “Like a mini crowdfunding campaign!”
🔸 You activate the law of giving by bringing in people you love and trust to help support your dreams
🔹 All types of people are being attracted to fractal right now, those looking to shift out of 9-5, entrepreneurs, artists, elders…
🔹 Shifting out of old paradigm of fear, scarcity, lack & competition
🔹 Stepping into fractal is an act of disrupt to the status quo, and into the ebb and flow of abundance
🔹 Could the whole world be in abundance?
🔹 What if this level of connectedness, interbeingness could eliminate poverty?
🔸 Participate in a new world where we get to embody love and compassion and live our dreams
🔸 Its our true nature, letting go of systems and fear based structures
🔸 We join not just to share wealth, but GIFTS
🔸 Receiving everyone’s contributions and excitement towards your dreams
🔹 Abundance is our natural state. We are remembering & getting back to this.
🔸 To be a visionary takes courage
🔸 We become the bridge to a better world we know is possible
🔸 A new paradigm based on ancient wisdom
🔸 Ultimately, we receive the gift of experientially knowing we are interconnected
+ so much more!! Much love and gratitude for the magic we are all co-creating here. May it continue to flow and may we call in the heart-felt support from all who feel aligned with this vision of abundance and DREAM ACTIVATION!
Tjasa Cepus, sound alchemist
+386 31 568 711,