19/12/2020 09:00 — 20/12/2020 21:00
Zvočni SPA
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ONLINE Zvočni Vikend

December… Čas solsticija, čas prenove, čas prehoda…
Čas, ko nikoli nič več ne bo isto, kot je bilo. Kajti rasteš… rasteš in odšel/a si naprej…

Postajaš vse bolj transparenten/a in tvoje darilo je vidno in slišno… TI si darilo decembra, TI si darilo letošnjih praznikov.

Spomni se še enkrat… odvrži še tiste nianse, ki jih že leta spuščaš… pridi v novo, pridi…

Dobrodošel/a na ZVOČNI VIKEND, kjer bomo ustvarjali prav to…prehod v novo…

Sproščujoče, globoko, lahkotno…:)
Sodelovali boste in poslušali zvočne kopeli, 2x dnevno po 2 uri, vmes pa bomo delili izkušnje in manifestacijo sproti v teh dneh…
Za vprašanja bo odprto še teden dni po dogodku.

Kaj lahko prejmete?
* najdete in ohranjate notranji mir in visoko vibracijo
* se usmerite na vašo trenutno situacijo in jo notranje razrešite ob podpori zvoka in osebne konzultacije ob deljenju čutenj
* sproti zdravite svoje fizično telo s pomočjo zvoka
* se odprete vaši intuiciji
* se spomnite vaše notranje moči, ljubezni
* sprostite strahove (strah pred smrtjo, neuspeh, bolečino, kaznovanjem, izraziti se iz srca, pred življenjem, pred izgubo …)

Že nekaj časa me pelje pot po različnih koščkih zdravilnih energij narave ter različnih civilizacijah (Lemurije), od katerih prejemam zvoke, ki jih predajam v svet.

Plavanje z delfini in kiti na Havajih ter spoznavanje tamkajšnje zelo glasno govoreče narave je prineslo marsikatero spoznanje in novost v moje bitje… Sporazumevanje z rastlinami, gozdovi in vilinskim svetom pa me je v Sloveniji podprlo še drugače…

Pojavila se je ponovno energija rodovnih posestev in Anastazije…


Zvok je bil eno izmed orodij, s katerim so ustvarjali.


Ko se povezujem z energijami za ta ONLINE retreat, se povezujem z vašim prehodom v novo stanje zavesti. S tistim delom vas, ki vam še ni bil poznan. S tistimi dušnimi sanjami, kar je in še bo vaša vizija za naslednje obdobje. Poiskali bomo RADOST, ne le decembrsko, ampak radost in lepoto življenja, kot smo jo vedno iskali, vsaj nekateri. Obiskali bomo zlata mesta, kjer se že vrši nov svet, obiskali bomo višje vibracije, ki prihajajo iz srca, iz ljubezni. Imeli bomo čas samo za te vizije in njihovo kreacijo. In čas, ko se bomo osvobajali strahov, še tistih, ki so kot sedaj zunanje ovire v družbi. Tako ‘slečeni’ bomo lažje prešli v višje vibracije. Vsak v svojem, vsi skupaj.

Kaj lahko storim in storite za vas?

V tem času lahko kreirate svet, ki bo po volji vam… Dobro je, da se vsak trenutek naravnamo na naš izvor in se zavedamo, da smo MI kreatorji našega življenja… Še vedno smo sicer v tem sistemu, a lahko živimo kljub temu LEPOTO ŽIVLJENJA. Če se le za vsak ‘neuspeh’, ‘nedelovanje’, ‘dvom’ ali kakršenkoli ‘izziv’ obrnemo VASE, sprejmemo in razrešimo naše vzgibe za takšno manifestacijo, lahko najdemo REŠITEV. Le takrat se nam zunanja situacija sestavi tako, kot je potrebno. Ne glede na sistem…

Na retreatu z zvokom se bomo zato poglobili vase, v točno določen vaš ‘izziv’, o katerem lahko že pred prihodom na retreat razmislite.

Spodbujali bomo vse misli, ki ste jih nekam skrili ali čustva, da pridejo na površje, da jih objamemo in sprostimo energijo le-teh iz telesa. Prosili bomo svetlobna bitja, da nam pokažejo še dodatno, kaj je v nas, da lahko sprostimo in ozdravimo.

S pogovori in deljenjem vseh sporočil vas bom vodila skozi vaš proces, da boste lahko spuščali in prejemali novo…. Vrteli se boste na vse možne strani in prejemali spoznanja, ki so potrebna za vaš razvoj. Naš fokus bo usmerjen v LEPOTO BIVANJA.

Zakaj retreat?

– ker se lahko zares spočijete in ozdravite… Vsak proces traja nekaj časa, da ga lahko premostimo… in podpora z zvokom, moje prisotnosti s pogovorom in višjih energij lahko to doprinese…
Ne glede na online udeležbo boste lahko poslušali zvoke enako, kot če bi bili prisotni v živo. Potrebujete le udoben prostor in mir (naj vas v času zvočnih kopeli nihče ne moti).



0d 9 – 10ih predstavitev udeležencev in podelitev namenov za ta vikend

10.00 – 11.30 zvočna kopel za čiščenje nepotrebnih misli/čustev/fizičnih tegob

ODMOR (priporočljivo je biti v naravi)

18.30 – 20.00 zvočna kopel za radost

20.00 – 21.00 podelitev čutenj/zaznav od današnjega dne


9.00 – 10.30 zvočna kopel za mir, obilje, lepoto bivanja
10.30-11.30 možne osebne konzultacije

ODMOR (priporočljivo je biti v naravi)

18.30 – 20.00 zvočna kopel ‘Zlato mesto’

20.00 – 21.00 podelitev čutenj/zaznav od današnjega dne ter zaključek

Za vse, ki boste želeli še naprej zvočne kopeli po tem retreatu kot dodatek in podporo, bodo odprti  še 4 dni zaporedoma večerni termini, med 19 in 21 uro za to skupino.


sobota-nedelja, 19.- 20.12.2020

– 4 zvočne kopeli
– 2 ‘delitvi spoznanj’ in odgovori
– možnost osebne konzultacije
SAMO 99Eur

Dodatne 4 kopeli po retreatu: cena 44Eur za vse 4 (za udeležence retreata)

– prostor, kjer vas nihče ne moti in podlago, kamor se lahko uležete
– aplikacijo Zoom/Teams
(se odločimo, ko se zberemo vsi)
– dobro internetno/podatkovno povezavo (poslušate lahko tudi preko telefona)
– v kolikor imate zvočnike, ki se priklopijo na telefon/računalnik, jih lahko uporabite za boljši zvok
– vodo

Pišite na info@zvocni-spa.si, kamor dobite vse podatke o prijavi. Lahko me tudi pokličete na 031 568 711.
Prijave so možne do 15.12.2020 .

Se veselim!

O Tjaši Cepuš:
Tjaša Cepuš, univ.dipl.ekon., zvočna alkimistka, prispevam že 14 let svetu z zvokom in glasbo,
ime tega doprinosa je Zvočni SPA, da lahko odpiramo srca Ljubezni in doživljamo življenjske situacije,
ki izhajajo iz njenih temeljev.
Učila sem se pri priznanih zvočnih mojstrih, Don Conreaux, Jonathan Goldman, Nestor Kornblum, Lysa Farmer, Andrea Centazzo, sodelovala s svetovno priznanimi glasbeniki, izdala 2 cd-ja (CD Inntoning je moj prvenec)in izvedla mnogo zvočnih delavnic in seminarjev ter 2 retreata.
Več o meni, storitvah, cd-jih, projektih pa na youtube kanalu, spletni strani www.zvocni-spa.si,
fb Tjaša Cepuš – Sound SPA.


December … Solstice time, renovation time, transition time … A time when nothing will ever be the same again. Because you are growing … you are growing and you have moved on … You are becoming more and more transparent and your gift are visible and transparent … YOU are the gift of December, YOU are the gift of this year’s holidays. Remember again … throw away those fears that you have been dropping for years … come to the new, come …
Welcome to the SOUND WEEKEND, where we will create just that … the transition to a new …

You will participate and listen to sound baths, twice a day for 2 hours, and in between we will share experiences  on a regular basis these days …

Questions will be open for another week after the event.

What can you receive?

* find and maintain inner peace and high vibration

* focus on your current situation and resolve it internally with the support of sound and personal consultation while sharing feelings

* Heal your physical body with sound

* open up to your intuition

* you can remember your inner power, love
* release fears (fear of death, failure, pain, punishment, to express oneself from the heart, fear of life, of loss …)

For some time now, I have been taking a path through different places of the healing energies of nature and different civilizations (Lemuria), from which I received the sounds that  I transmit to the world. Swimming with dolphins and whales in Hawaii and learning about the nature there brought many insights into my being… Communicating with plants, forests and the fairy world in Slovenia supported me even more… The energy of ancestral estates and Anastasia reappeared…

Fact: Sound was one of the tools which they used to create matter.

Online Sound Weekend:

When I am connecting with the energies for this ONLINE retreat, I am connecting with your with your transition to a new state of consciousness. With that part of you that was not yet known to you. With those soul dreams, what is and will be your vision for the next period. We will seek JOY, not just December, but the joy and beauty of life as we have always sought, at least some. We will visit the golden places where a new world is already taking place, we will visit higher vibrations coming from the heart, from love. We will only have time for these visions. And a time when we will be free from fears, even those that are, as now, external barriers in society.
Thus ‘undressed’ we will more easily pass into higher vibrations. Each in his own, all together.

What can I do and do for you?

During this time, you can create a world that will be to your liking… It is good to focus on our origins at all times and be aware that WE are the creators of our lives… We are still in this system, but we can still live the BEAUTY OF LIFE . If we turn to YOURSELF for every ‘failure’, ‘inaction’, ‘doubt’ or any ‘challenge’, accept and resolve our impulses for such a manifestation, we can find a SOLUTION. Only then does the external situation come together as needed. Regardless of the system…

At the retreat with sound, we will therefore delve into ourselves, into your specific ‘challenge’, which you can think about before coming to the retreat. We will encourage any thoughts you have hidden somewhere or emotions to come to the surface, to embrace them and release their energy from the body. We will ask light beings to show us further what is within us so that we can relax and heal. By talking and sharing all the messages, I will guide you through your process so you can drop by and receive a new one…. You will be spinning on all possible sides and receiving the insights needed for your development. Our focus will be on the BEAUTY OF LIVING.

Why retreat?

– because you can really rest and heal… Every process takes some time to overcome… and support with sound, my presence with conversation and higher energies can contribute to this… Regardless of your online participation, you will be able to listen to the sounds just as if you were present live. All you need is a comfortable space and peace (let no one disturb you during sound baths).



9 – 10 presentation of participants and sharing intentions for this weekend 10.00 – 11.30 sound bath for clearing unnecessary thoughts / emotions / physical body
BREAK (it is recommended to be in nature)
18.30 – 20.00 sound bath for JOY
20.00 – 21.00 sharing feelings / perceptions from today

10.30-11.30 possible personal consultations

BREAK (it is recommended to be in nature)

18.30 – 20.00 sound bath ‘Golden City’
20.00 – 21.00 sharing feelings / perceptions from today and closing

For all of you who will want to continue the sound baths after this retreat as an addition and support, the evening dates will be open for another 4 days, between 7pm and 9pm for this group.


Saturday-Sunday, 19.- 20.12.2020

– 4 sound baths
– 2 sharings
– possibility of personal consultation
ONLY 99Eur

Additional 4 baths after retreat: price 44Eur for all 4 (for retreat participants)


– a place where you can be in peace and quietness and where you can lie down

– Zoom / Teams application (we decide when we all get together)
– good internet / data connection (you can also listen by phone)

– If you have speakers that connect to your phone / computer, you can use them for better sound

– water

Write to info@zvocni-spa.si , where you can get all the information about the payment.
For any additional information you can call me on 031 568 711.
Registration closes on 15.12.2020.

I look forward to our ONLINE SOUND WEEKEND!

About Tjaša Cepuš:

Tjaša Cepuš, univ.dipl.ekon., Sound alchemist, I have been contributing to the world with sound and music for 14 years, the name of this contribution is Sound SPA, so that we can open the hearts of Love and experience life situations, arising from its foundations. I studied with renowned sound masters, Don Conreaux, Jonathan Goldman, Nestor Kornblum, Lysa Farmer, Andrea Centazzo, collaborated with world-renowned musicians, released 2 CDs (CD Inntoning is my debut) and conducted many sound workshops and seminars and 2 retreat. More about me, services, CDs, projects on the youtube channel, website www.zvocni-spa.si, fb Tjaša Cepuš – Sound SPA.


    In the event that the event organizer is not a Sound SPA, registration with this form is not necessary, as it is necessary to register for the event with the organizer (you can find the link in the content of the event).




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    Name and address of the legal entity (for the issue of an invoice)

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    Z uporabo tega obrazca se strinjate s shranjevanjem in uporabo vaših podatkov preko te spletne strani, kot je zapisano v Pravilniku o vartsvu podatkov.


    19/12/2020 @ 09:00
    20/12/2020 @ 21:00
    Event Categories:
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    Zvočni SPA

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